Other Amazing Freshwater Fish Species

payara fish vampire fish
There are so many amazing fish out there, but the Payara or Hydrolycus Scomberoides has to be one of my favorites. This is a freshwater fish found in the Amazon basin, payara fish are known for the aggression and immense fight, thus they are a favorite among fishing anglers of the world looking for a challenge. Check out this article to learn more about this fish!

The Goonch Catfish
goonch catfish record
The goonch catfish also known as the giant devil catfish or Bagarius yarrelli is one of the most amazing looking freshwater fish in the world, and is one of only a few catfish species with large sharp teeth! In June of 2012 a  goonch catfish record was made, caught on rod and reel weighing 192 lbs!

Pacu Fish - Tambaqui
pacu fish fish with teeth
Another one of my favorite freshwater fish, the pacu fish also known as tambaqui! This is a omnivorous fish that lives in South America and is related to the piranha, the most notable feature of the pacu fish is its unique teeth, it's one of the few species of fish with teeth similar to humans. The red belly pacu is favorite among exotic fish collectors, click here to see more about the pacu.